Sign documents quickly and legally with Mekari Sign integrated system
Draft, send, and sign documents on a single integrated platform.
Secure agreements faster with PSrE-certified digital
signatures and official eMeterai from Peruri.
Quick and safe document signing
Upload documents, sign them, and stamp eMeterai all within one single dashboard.
A certified platform to prevent data breaches for documents and signers information.
Process documents without distance or time limitations, anywhere through any device.
End-to-end software to cover the entire process.
Upload and sign
documents digitally
- Upload and sign documents in bulk
- Official PSrE-certified electronic signatures
- Sign with various formats and styles
Sign documents with
QR code format
- Add QR code signatures to documents
- Scan the QR code to show the signer’s identity
- Display an audit trail related to signing activities
Purchase and stamp
eMeterai easily
- Guaranteed authentic eMeterai from Peruri
- Purchase and stamp through one dashboard
- 99% success rate of eMeterai stamping process
Verify signers identity
through online process
- Perform eKYC verification anywhere and anytime
- Receive Electronic Certificate after the eKYC
- Eliminate the risk of signature forgery
Manage all stages of
contracts digitally
- Create templates or upload from Google Drive
- Set up and manage approval workflows
- Flexible storage for audits or update needs
Centralized platform with the highest security
Mekari Sign complies with applicable regulations to ensure the highest security across all features.
Accelerate your business growth with Mekari Sign
Accomplish more without compromising accuracy and speed with various
solutions from Mekari, used by thousands of businesses.