Official QR code signature provider

Simplify signing processes and build interaction with QR code signatures

Sign documents instantly and get information regarding the document, signers, and their signing timestamp by scanning the QR code.

  • QR code electronic signature that is legal & safe to use
  • Complete and thorough document and signer information
  • Easy to access signer’s information by scanning the QR code
  • Increase document security and reduce the risk of manipulation

How QR code helps on document signing

Mekari Jurnal
Valid as a eSignature

QR code as a valid signature to be used

Mekari Jurnal
Detailed information

Get detailed document and signer’s information

Mekari Jurnal
Easy to monitor

Show the timestamp of the parties signing the document

keuntungan buat tanda tangan digital mekari e-sign
Secured and guarantedd

Each QR code is unique which is difficult to manipulate

Save time, costs, and ensure document security using Mekari Sign


Streamlined business administration processes


Reduce the risk of losing business documents


Improve on the document security level

Advantages of using the official QR code signature

Unique eSignatures are hard to forge
Digital signatures are guaranteed safe
A new form of electronic signature, where each signer has their own unique QR code so that it cannot be exchanged or forged.
Easy and instant process
Create and place QR code signature in seconds
Create and sign with QR code electronic signature easily through the Mekari Sign dashboard. Create once and reuse them every time.
Signers are validated
Advanced technology to validate signers
QR code eSignature that is scannable to show the complete information, from the name of the document to the IP address of the signer.
Entrusting clients & signers
Increase document recipients' trust
Increase the trust and credibility of your company towards document recipients, with a QR code electronic signature that is unique and has multiple layers of security.
Digital signatures are guaranteed safe
A new form of electronic signature, where each signer has their own unique QR code so that it cannot be exchanged or forged.
Create and place QR code signature in seconds
Create and sign with QR code electronic signature easily through the Mekari Sign dashboard. Create once and reuse them every time.
Advanced technology to validate signers
QR code eSignature that is scannable to show the complete information, from the name of the document to the IP address of the signer.
Increase document recipients' trust
Increase the trust and credibility of your company towards document recipients, with a QR code electronic signature that is unique and has multiple layers of security.

Privacy and compliance are our top priorities

Stay compliant with industry standards and regulations - Mekari Sign solutions adhere to legal requirements for secure and legally binding esignatures
ISO IEC 27001:2013 Information Security Management System
Audited annually on information security management
Ministry of Homeland Affairs
Cooperation Agreement with Directorate General of Population & Civil Registration
The Indonesian National Mint
Official Peruri partner and registered distributor for eMeterai
Directorate General of Taxes
Under the auspices of Mekari, registered and supervised by DGT
Ministry of ICT
Registered as a Domestic Electronic System Operator (PSE)
Electronic Certification Organizer
Apa itu tanda tangan QR code

What is QR code signature?

QR (Quick Response) codes are a two-dimensional version of barcodes, usually consisting of a pattern of black and white pixels. So a QR code signature is a signature in QR form.

Now, the use of QR codes is increasingly widespread because of the ease of scanning to access the information contained in them. Therefore, signature information in QR form can be read quickly.

Dasar hukum tanda tangan qr code

Legal basis for QR code signatures

Based on Government Regulation Number 82 of 2012 as updated with Government Regulation Number 71 of 2019, electronic signatures consist of two types, namely certified signatures and uncertified signatures.

This QR code signature remains valid and legal to use, because Mekari Sign already has PSrE certification for the electronic signature used. Therefore, the use of QR code signatures remains legal and meets the requirements.

Mekari Jurnal

How to make a QR code signature

Here’s how to create a QR code signature with Mekari Sign:

  1. Click Try Free to create an account
  2. Open the email from Mekari Sign to process the signature
  3. Click Sign and select the area that has been set
  4. Click Create new on the signature option,
  5. Select QR Code, your signature is automatically converted into QR
  6. Enter your full name in the Full name column and click Sign

Digital signatures vs QR code signatures

Digital Signatures

QR Code Signatures

Publisher Official issuer that has certification recognized by Kominfo, such as Mekari Sign. Can be issued with a Kominfo certification as though the digital signature, yet this QR code signature form has not been specifically mentioned in the Indonesian Law.
Verification Uses an Electronic Certificate obtained by going through the eKYC process to verify the signer’s identity. To issue a certified QR code signature, you also need to go through the eKYC process.
Security Very high, has the ability to identify the signer and track any changes occurred to the document. Since the signer has gone through the eKYC process beforehand, the security to identify the signer is equally high.
Legal force Digital signatures are valid and have strong legal force, since they are in compliance with the law. This means you’ll be able to use it for more important and legal-binding documents. There are no specific regulations yet regarding the form of QR code signatures. However, since it’s similar to a digital signature, this QR code signature can be considered valid & legally recognized if done through an eligible platform such as Mekari Sign.

Learn more of Mekari Sign features

mekarisign Digital Signatures

Digitally sign your documents in seconds

mekarisign Buy eMeterai

Buy and get Peruri’s official eMeterai

mekarisign eKYC

Verify the identity via electronic know your customer process

mekarisign Contract Management

Track all changes and activities for better accountability

More than 35,000+ companies of all sizes trust Mekari Sign

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What is QR code signature?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

A QR code signature is a signature in the form of black dots and white spaces arranged in a box. If you scan it, it contains various important document information, such as the identity of the signer. So, you can maintain the integrity and authenticity of the document.

Is signing using a QR code legal?

Still valid, but has weak legal force because it is an Uncertified Electronic Signature. This type of signature cannot be proven exactly who signed it, so it is prone to being forged.

Yes, barcode signatures are included in the Uncertified Electronic Signature type.

The pattern on the QR stores some data in the form of binary code which will be automatically translated when you scan it. For example, data regarding time, user information, links, and so on.

A lot, because QR Codes can store up to 4289 characters, including punctuation and special characters. Some examples of information that can be placed on a QR Code are text, links to websites, account numbers, maps to places, menu lists, and many others.

You can enter various information about your business in the QR Code, such as the location of your shop, current promotions, menu, website address, and so on. Then, you can spread the QR Code on social media, on billboards, and even banners so that people can scan it easily.

Streamline the development of your business with Mekari Sign

Get more done without compromising accuracy and speed with Mekari solutions that are used by thousands of businesses.

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