eSignature API

Unlock the potential of digital signatures with our robust and reliable eSignature API

Our eSignature API empowers your platform with advanced digital signing capabilities, ensuring smooth workflows and enhanced user experiences

  • Cost-free trial with an easy deployment process
  • Tailored to suit any workflow requirements
  • Commitment to security practices and full compliance
  • Hands-on help from developers to support your needs
esignature api

Mekari Sign eSignature API speeds up business process for your users

Speed up transactions, simplify processes, and provide an extraordinary customer experience — all while maintaining legal compliance with Mekari Sign API


reduction in document turnaround


increase in sales conversion rates


reduction in document fraud
mekarisign esignature

Effortless implementation solutions

Integrate eSignatures effortlessly with our reliable developer experience, taking just a few hours for a smooth integration

mekarisign esignature

Easily expandable and highly adaptable

Whether you’re a fast-growing small business or a big enterprise, our APIs scale flexibly to accommodate your growth

A versatile API for all purposes

No matter your eSignature and agreement lifecycle requirements, our API can handle it all. From basic to intricate scenarios, we’ve got you covered

esignature API

icon eSignature API

Embed eSignature into your app or workflow with ease, encompassing payment processing and many other functionalities

auto sign API

icon Auto Sign API

Automate signatures effortlessly with our Auto Sign API – saving time and streamlining your workflow

document status

icon Document Status API

Real-time updates on document status with our API – streamline workflows and enhance collaboration

document API

icon Upload, Send, Delete Document API

Take control of document operations using our versatile Upload, Delete, Send Document API – enhancing efficiency at every step

Integrate eSignature API to your platform in seconds

Scale approvals and enhance engagement to unlock new growth opportunities with eSignature API flexible to all developers

  • Access detailed API documentation
  • Various programming languages
  • Create custom workflows
import requests

url = ""

headers = {


response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)

require "uri"
require "net/http"

url = URI("")

https =, url.port)
https.use_ssl = true

request =

response = https.request(request)
puts response.read_body
var https = require('follow-redirects').https;
var fs = require('fs');

var options = {
  'method': 'GET',
  'hostname': '',
  'path': '/v2/esign/v1/profile',
  'headers': {
  'maxRedirects': 20

var req = https.request(options, function (res) {
  var chunks = [];

  res.on("data", function (chunk) {

  res.on("end", function (chunk) {
    var body = Buffer.concat(chunks);

  res.on("error", function (error) {

var client = new HttpClient();
var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, "");
var response = await client.SendAsync(request);
Console.WriteLine(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());


$response = curl_exec($curl);

echo $response;

Your privacy and compliance are our top priorities

Stay compliant with industry standards and regulations - Mekari Sign solutions adhere to legal requirements for secure and legally binding esignatures
ISO IEC 27001:2013 Information Security Management System
Audited annually on information security management
Ministry of Homeland Affairs
Cooperation Agreement with Directorate General of Population & Civil Registration
The Indonesian National Mint
Official Peruri partner and registered distributor for eMeterai
Directorate General of Taxes
Under the auspices of Mekari, registered and supervised by DGT
Ministry of ICT
Registered as a Domestic Electronic System Operator (PSE)
Certified PSrE
Penyelenggara Sertifikasi Elektronik

Easy steps to test out eSignature API

  1. Request a Sandbox account

    Easily fill your information in the form here

  2. Validate your account

    Our team will contact you to proceed with the registration

  3. Access the developer Sandbox

    Provide a password to access your developer environment

  4. Generate a Bearer Token

    Generate and verify your Bearer Token with Postman or other API-supporting clients

  5. Test eSignature API

    Take a closer look at and review Mekari’s eSignature API functionalities

More than 35.000+ companies of all sizes use Mekari Sign

Images by Mekari e-sign
Images by Mekari e-sign
Images by Mekari e-sign
Images by Mekari e-sign
Images by Mekari e-sign
Images by Mekari e-sign
Images by Mekari e-sign
Images by Mekari e-sign
Images by Mekari e-sign
Images by Mekari e-sign
Images by Mekari e-sign
Images by Mekari e-sign
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is an eSignature API?

An eSignature API is a feature that allows users to create and integrate electronic signatures automatically through a specific platform. It enables the integration of digital signature features into your system, allowing all users of your system to digitally sign documents directly through your application. This can save you time and money, and it can also make it easier for your customers to sign documents.

What is an eSignature API?

An eSignature API is a feature that allows users to create and integrate electronic signatures automatically through a specific platform. It enables the integration of digital signature features into your system, allowing all users of your system to digitally sign documents directly through your application. This can save you time and money, and it can also make it easier for your customers to sign documents.

The cost of an eSignature API varies depending on the needs of the client, the desired signature workflow, and the number of documents used each month.

Our API pricing is based on different tiers, with each tier offering a certain number of documents per month for a specific price.

For exact pricing suitable for your company, it’s best to discuss with our team directly.

APIs are typically written by software developers or teams of developers who design and build software applications.

At Mekari Sign, our experienced software development team carefully crafted our API functionalities. These developers specialize in building secure and reliable electronic signature and stamping solutions, ensuring our API integrates seamlessly to meet our clients’ needs.

API authentication is a process used to verify the identity of users or applications accessing an API. It ensures that only authorized users or applications can access and interact with the API’s resources and data.

Yes, you can write your own API if you have programming knowledge and understand the principles of API design and development.

But, there are lots of ready-made APIs you can use without having to build one yourself.

Technically anyone with programming skills can create an API and develop an API. However, a well-designed and functional API requires a good understanding of software architecture, design principles, and security considerations. It’s typically done by experienced software developers or teams.

Mekari Sign API allows you to have an eSignature system on your preferred application or platform. Thus, our API system will be embedded in an external application or platform with client’s own branding.

In addition, Mekari Sign API will send emails for signing request. These emails are customizable with client’s own company logo, subject, and email messages.

The Mekari Sign API provides various functionalities, including:

  • Document uploading
  • Sending signature requests via email
  • Electronic Know Your Customer (e-KYC) verification
  • Signing documents
  • Add official stamps (eMeterai) to documents
  • Recording and sending signed documents via email
  • Downloading signed documents through the client’s system

Yes, with the Mekari Sign API, you can send signature requests on behalf of another user, allowing for seamless document signing processes within your organization’s systems.

Absolutely! You can sign up for a free trial to try our sandbox for free by clicking this link.

hero esign
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