Trusted and easy to use signature maker

Create online signature in less than 3 minutes

Sign documents anytime with an online signature. Finish all your works faster, safer, and more cost-efficient!

  • PSrE and Adobe certified signature
  • Audit trails with detailed information
  • Track all your documents in one place
  • Send and sign documents in bulk

More than 35,000+ companies from various industries
trust Mekari's products

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Images by Mekari e-sign
Images by Mekari e-sign
Images by Mekari e-sign
Images by Mekari e-sign
Images by Mekari e-sign
Images by Mekari e-sign
Images by Mekari e-sign
Images by Mekari e-sign
Images by Mekari e-sign
Images by Mekari e-sign
Images by Mekari e-sign
Images by Mekari e-sign
Images by Mekari e-sign
Images by Mekari e-sign

Certificate & acknowledgment

Reliable support is an integral part of our software development cycle process
ISO IEC 27001:2013 Information Security Management System
Audited annually on information security management
Ministry of Homeland Affairs
Cooperation Agreement with Directorate General of Population & Civil Registration
The Indonesian National Mint
Official Peruri partner and registered distributor for eMeterai
Directorate General of Taxes
Under the auspices of Mekari, registered and supervised by DGT
Ministry of ICT
Registered as a Domestic Electronic System Operator (PSE)
Certified PSrE
Penyelenggara Sertifikasi Elektronik

Online signature by the numbers

Mekari online signature has proven to speed up your administrative process without compromising on security


Business administrative processes are shorter with online signature


More secure with advanced technology, such as HTTPS, SHA-256, and cloud server


Almost perfect uptime with no maintenance downtime since day one

cara menggunakan upload dokumen tanda tangan mekari sign

How to create an online signature?

  1. Click or drag & drop your documents to the box
  2. Draw your digital signature
  3. Set the signature placement
  4. Click Download and fill the form
Online Signature Benefit 2

Type of online signatures

There are two types of online signatures: electronic and digital. Electronic signatures are generally unsafe for important documents because it has no method to accurately identify the signers.

On the other hand, digital signatures use an advanced mathematical algorithm to detect and identify the signers correctly, therefore you can use for any kind of documents.

Online Signature Mekari Sign

Benefits of using online signature from Mekari Sign

  • Save money as you donโ€™t need to buy papers or printing the documents
  • The signing process can be done in only a few minutes
  • Using online signature guarantee you from forgery or data leaks
  • Environmentally friendly as the whole process is done digitally
e-Meterai resmi dan sah di Indonesia

Legally recognized online signature

Mekari Signโ€™s signature is operated under KOMINFO and is partnering with Tilaka to gain PSrE certification. Therefore, online signature from Mekari Sign is guaranteed legal and protected by the law in Indonesia.ย 

The difference between digital signature and electronic signature

Digital Signature

Electronic Signature

The Creation Process Digital signatures are created with complex processes using asymmetric cryptography. Created with a simpler process in various ways. For example, scanning your signature from a piece of paper, then add it to a document as an image.
How to Validate the Identity? Digital signatures can only be identified using an Electronic Certificate. You can get this Electronic Certificate by completing the eKYC process. You canโ€™t accurately identify the signers. Because, the signatures can be in various forms, such as image or text that can easily be used by many people.
Legal Acknowledgment Digital signatures by PSrE are legally recognized, and you can use it as evidence in court. Electronic signature has a weak legal acknowledgment, because you canโ€™t accurately identify the signers.
Functionality and Usability Digital signatures are used for accurately and safely identifying the signers on important documents, e.g., official documents, contract, and banking documents. Electronic signatures are commonly used for simple document identification, such as signature for a delivery package.

View Mekari Sign other features

mekarisign eMeterai

Peruriโ€™s official eMeterai. Easy to use and available 24/7.

mekarisign eKYC

Dukcapil regulatory compliance. Verify users anywhere with ease.

mekarisign Online Stamp

Digital stamp for your company. Suitable for any kind of documents.

mekarisign Audit Trail

Stay up to date with real-time tracking for any progress on your documents.ย 

What is an online signature?

An online signature is a signature that is made online through a website or an application that creates digital signatures. An online signature is the same as a traditional signature, but all the signing processes are done online or over the internet without face-to-face interaction.

Mekari Sign (PT Mekari Identitas Digital) provides Certified Electronic Signature services that partner with PT Tilaka Nusa Teknologi as a Certificate Authority (CA) from the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Informatics.

What is the best online signature software?

1. Mekari Sign

Many electronic signature providers are surfacing lately, and one of the best eSignature software in Indonesia is Mekari Sign. Not only providing electronic signatures, Mekari Sign also providesย electronic contract,ย eMeterai,ย audit trail, andย online stampย (coming soon) within one platform

Main Features: Official Peruri eMeterai, centralized dashboard, cloud-based storage, cybercrime prevention with high security, and compatibility for various document formats.

Developer: PT Mekari Identitas Digital


2. DigiSigner

Digisigner offers useful features with cloud and SSL systems to keep usersโ€™ data secure. DigiSigner is suitable for various industries, especially small businesses in the HR and Real Estate sector.

Available version: Web-based

Main Features: Bulk send for documents, SSL & cloud encryptions, and document templates

Developer: DigiSigner


3. Odoo

Odoo has been certified eIDAS and ESIGN, they offer features thatโ€™ll help users in managing electronic signatures.

Main Features: Project management, productivity management, and integration with other Odoo applications

Developer: Odoo (Enterprise Resource Planning Company)


4. pdfFiller

PdfFiller is a quite famous PDF application since it has a large number of users across the world. There are several ways to use PdfFiller eSignatures, from drawing your signature straight into the document pages to uploading your scanned signature file.

Main Features: PDF editor, document eSignature, PDF converter, compatibility for various document formats, and easy document distribution.

Developer: PDFfiller, Inc.


5. SignHero

Not only eSignature, but SignHero also provides API with the ability to be integrated. This way, users can get more work done within one platform.

Main Features: API Integration, Audit Trails

Developer: Avaintec


Here the steps to create esignature to PDF document:

  1. Click or drag & drop your PDF documents to the box
  2. Draw your signature
  3. Set the signature placement
  4. Click Download and fill the form

Online signature means that the signatures are made on an online tool or platform. But in general, there are two types of signatures for electronic documents that can be made through an online platform: electronic signature and digital signature.

An electronic signature is a signature with a drawn or image format that can be attached to the document. On the other hand, the digital signature is a signature carrying unique hash values, that went through an encryption process to enhance its security and validity.

Yes, electronic signature is legal, trusted, and enforceable in many countries around the world. Especially if you use Certified Electronic Signature provider such as Mekari Sign, which makes your signature more secure and have strong legal acknowledgement.

Yes, you can use online signatures for legal documents. Whether it be an electronic signature or a digital signature, they can help with the signer’s identification and intent when it comes to legal contracts. However, for better security and validity, we recommend you use the encrypted digital signature for legal documents that need higher compliance.

Yes, it can be easily forged by third parties if you are using simple electronic signature, as it doesnโ€™t have means to accurately identify the signers. Thatโ€™s why you should only use digital signature for your important documents.

The primary weakness of online signatures is that many people still donโ€™t trust it and prefer the wet signatures instead.ย 

Streamline your business
development with Mekari Sign

Accomplish more without compromising accuracy and speed with
various solutions from Mekari that thousands of businesses have used

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