Electronic stamp (coming soon)

Streamline all transaction with electronic stamps from Mekari Sign

Electronic stamp software from Mekari Sign provides the best solution to help accelerate your business process and transactions

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More than 35,000+ companies in various industries have trusted Mekari products

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Images by Mekari e-sign
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Images by Mekari e-sign
Images by Mekari e-sign
Images by Mekari e-sign

Challenges faced without electronic stamp

Wet stamps are getting abandoned due to many drawbacks and challenges,
businesses are switching to the electronic stamps

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Prone to counterfeiting

Wet stamps have no verification process, meaning that anyone can make duplicates or forge them

Images by Mekari e-sign

High risk of damage

Wet stamps are prone to be damaged and cannot be used if they are not stored properly

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High operational costs

It takes a lot of time and money to make customized wet stamps

Increase productivity with electronic stamps

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Complete all document needs from eSignatures to electronic stamps in one integrated platform

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Automate document stamping with online stamps

  • Adjust the position and order of the stamps flexibility for the related parties
  • Real-time monitor document signing and stamping progress in one dashboard
  • Electronic stamping is available 24/7 for a more efficient business processes
kekurangan tidak menggunakan aplikasi tanda tangan, emeterai, stempel elektronik, kontrak elektronik e-Sign

Document administration is prone to counterfeiting and falsification

  • Difficult to check and follow up since there is no real-time sorting system
  • Unknown document's status and progress, need to track manually
  • Document evaluation and validation process takes a long time and effort

Monitor every steps of the document finalization and verification process

Achieve operational efficiency with a complete online stamp solution

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Speed up and complete administration process in minutes through the online stamp application

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Automate the administrational process with online stamping

  • Flexibly adjust and determine the position and order of stamping
  • Monitor all progress in real-time with automated reminders
  • Get things done faster as online stamp duty is available 24/7 without limit
kekurangan tidak menggunakan aplikasi tanda tangan, emeterai, stempel elektronik, kontrak elektronik e-Sign

Document evaluation and validation process takes a long time with more effort

  • Difficulty to finalize and finish the contracts as there is no reminder or collaboration system
  • Documents status are untracked due to no monitoring system
  • Conventional seal takes a long time to be done due to availability and cost

Accelerate document processes with Mekari Sign online stamps

Time to switch your conventional stamps into Mekari Sign online stamps

What is an online stamp?

An online stamp is a type of stamp in digital format to create easier and more efficient electronic document process

  • Helps boost the branding of your business or company, since your personalized online stamps will be visible to other parties if they receive the stamped documents.
  • Online stamps help strengthen your business decisions without needing further evidence to prove it.
  • Speed up the administration process for all files and documents, especially the official and confidential ones.
  • Shorten process time and lower administration costs
  • Increase efficiency on business operational processes

Here are some steps on how to use the online stamps correctly, based on the types of document:

  • Stamp on statement letter: its position is at the bottom right. Precisely, touching the left of the signature.

  • Stamp on the school decree: the position of the stamp is in the middle of the letter. Precisely, to the left of the principal’s signature.

  • Stamp on the letter of assignment: the position of the stamp at the bottom right of the letter. As well as touching the left side of the chairman’s signature.

  • Stamp on SK CPNS: the stamp is located at the bottom right of the document and touches the left side of the signature of the head of the staffing agency.

  • Sales: Keeps the team focused on sales by eliminating the repetitive and manual administrative tasks.
  • HR: Online stamps can increase employee productivity by enabling them to access electronic documents anywhere.
  • Finance: Ability to share sensitive information securely with a seamless paperless experience.
  • Legal: Ability to send, manage, and monitor all confidential information related to law, instantly and securely.

Currently, there are many online stamp providers around the world, one of the best online stamp applications in Indonesia is Mekari Sign.

Not only providing a digital stamp feature (coming soon), Mekari Sign also provides electronic contract, eMeterai, eSignature, audit trail, and eKYCย in one integrated platform.

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